GÉANT ги поканува студентите да учествуваат во предизвикот на тема на овогодинешната конференција TNC16, "Building the internet of people". Рокот за аплицирање е 15 април, 2016та година.

Во продолжение може да го најдете повикот за учество на натпреварот.

The TNC16 student competition is centered around the question "How would you improve the internet of people?". In order to pitch their ideas, participants should submit a 3 minute video with a supporting description. A group of finalists will receive fee waivers to attend the conference and to showcase their ideas during a plenary session in front of a panel of experts.

The contest winner will be awarded with the “Best new idea prize 2016” during an official ceremony at TNC16, which will be held on 12-16 June 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. ​

For more information and submission visit:
