Dear colleagues of "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje,
On behalf of Eurostat, we have the pleasure to announce the launch of the European Statistics Awards on Web Intelligence - Classification of occupations for online job advertisements challenge (WI Classification Challenge) starting on 1 June 2024.   It will focus on the development of approaches that learn how to assign a class label (from a known taxonomy) to job advertisement from a given job ads dataset.

We believe that the researchers in your country (in particular data scientists) would be most interested in signing up for this opportunity.  

The teams (1-5 persons per team) will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge of Web Intelligence and programming skills (in particular in Python and R) to a real use case and win €10 000 for the first place in the Accuracy award, €10 000 for the first place in the Reusability award and €5 000 for the first place in the Innovativity award. Striking first place for all three awards, the team could win up to €25 000.  

We would therefore appreciate if you could:  

- post the announcement (below), flyer and a link to the European Statistics Awards homepage, on your website;  

- distribute the announcement (below) and flyer to your mailing lists (via a newsletter or a mail message);  

- share the announcement and flyer with your research networks;  

- repost Twitter or LinkedIn announcements with #EUStatisticsAwards, #EUwebintelligenceAwards  

Please register your team for the European Statistics Awards for Web Intelligence at  


Eurostat is pleased to announce the Web Intelligence Competition - Classification of occupations for online job advertisements challenge (WI Classification Challenge) - within the European Statistics Awards Program starting in June 2024. The competition aims at stimulating innovation in the area of Web Intelligence for European statistics. The Classification Challenge focuses on the development of approaches that learn how to assign a class label (from a known taxonomy) to job advertisement from a given job ads dataset.

Do you know how to code in Python or R? Register by the 15th of July 2024 and try your chances on your own or with a team of peers. You can win up to €10 000 for the Accuracy award, €10 000 for the Reusability award and €5 000 for Innovativity award. Striking first place in all three categories, your team could win up to €25 000.    

For more information on the European Statistical Awards Programme, please refer to the European Statistics Awards website or drop us a line to learn about any further details.  

Many thanks in advance for considering signing up, and for sharing this information,  

The European Statistics Awards secretariat