Ни претставува особена чест и задоволство да ве поканиме на гостинското предавање на проф. д-р Јасминка Матевска од HS-Bremen на тема
Software Systems Engineering for Space Missions
кое ќе се одржи на 02.03.2023 (четврток) со почеток од 14:00 часот во Амфитеатарот на ФИНКИ.
Modern Space Systems are highly autonomous systems, thus can be considered "flying computers". Software is used to manage the spacecraft by controlling and commanding almost each of its subsystems. Depending on the mission, software performs the management functions autonomously or by providing command and control interfaces for ground control or crew. Complex ground simulation and testing facilities are used for engineering, testing and qualification of the spacecraft. In order to plan, engineer and operate a space mission, ground stations and mission control systems including complex distributed software and communication systems are used. Huge amount of data is transferred, processed and stored during preparation and operation of each space mission. The necessary system of systems shall be designed starting with the mission definition and considering the overall mission requirements. Defining the requirements, designing, testing and implementing of the onboard and ground software systems is a co-engineering activity between different system engineering disciplines and requires intensive collaboration and understanding of the system design, engineering process and the concept of operations.
This talk will give an insight into the practical aspects of software systems engineering for enabling and supporting space missions.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jasminka Matevska is a professor at the City University of Applied Sciences, in Bremen, Germany. Her research interests are toward software and systems engineering particularly in the area of space systems. Jasminka Matevska has graduated at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University is Skopje and continued her education in Germany. Prior to the professor position, Jasminka Matevska was also teaching and research assistant at the University of Oldenburg and University of Applied Science Gelsenkirchen. In her career she has also worked on number of projects among which the Columbus Project (COL) of the International Space Station (ISS) Program (Joint Station LAN (JSL), Columbus Multi-Purpose Computer and Communication Service (MPCC), Crew User Interface System Enhancement (CRUISE), Operations Architect of the European Data Relay Satellite (EDRS)-C Project.