
According to the Call for PHD students enrollment, the Faculty of computer science and engineering in the study year 2016/2017 will enroll 74 students on PHD studies.
For students that are going to enroll for PHD studies in the study year 2016/2017, there are 2 study programs. The number of students that can enroll on FCSE on each of the study programs is given in the following table. 

Study program

Number of students

Tuition fee *(EUR)




 Computer science and engineering



* In the tuition fee the following expenses are also covered: organisation of classes, workshops and seminars, mentor, comisions Во износот на школарината сe вклучени трошоците за: организирање на наставата, работилници и семинари, менторот, committees and units organizing the research. Material costs for research of the field is not covered.