ФИНКИ, во соработка со одделите за компјутери и за теорија на информации при македонската IEEE секција, ве покануваат на покането предавање од Лове Екенберг, професор на Универзитетот во Стокхолм. Предавањето ќе се оджи во петок, 29.09.2017 година во 11:00 часот во Амфитеатарот на ФИНКИ.
Повеќе детали за предавањето и предавачот се дадени во продолжение.
The use of MCDM in Energy policy formation
Notwithstanding numerous macro-level studies, there is great lack of understanding and high levels of uncertainty regarding how investments into different electricity pathways and technology mixes would interact with social, economic, political and environmental dimensions at multiple scales, what MENA citizens envision for a future energy system, and, in particular, how they will respond to the implications of different energy pathways. This talk will be about a policy-making project for suggesting a future electricity pathway and technology mix in Morocco, Jordan and Tunisia that ideally will achieve the highest acceptability among multiple stakeholder groups without considerably decreasing national development ambitions. The idea is to align the future energy policies in these contries with sustainable development objectives and societal preferences in order to increase public acceptance.
About the lecturer
Love Ekenberg has a PhD in Computer and Systems Sciences as well as a PhD in Mathematics from Stockholm University. He is full professor in Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University and Senior research scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. He is also holder of an UNESCO Chair, has been working with various aspects of risk and decision analysis for a number of years and is former adviser to the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Centre International de Deminage Humanitaire Geneve, member of the Swedish advisory group to the UN ICT Task Force, WHO, World Bank and others. He has extensive experience of project management in large national and international IT projects and is the author of around 250 scholarly articles and books and has been member of numerous journal editorial boards and program committees. He has also extensive practical experience working within various industrial and public sectors, such as regional planning, public decision making as well as risk modelling and analyses. This have included, e.g., development of decision processes and policies, products and methodologies as well as development of formal methods and applications thereof on complex industrial system.