Free conference in Seavus

23 February, 2016, 13:24

Seavus and Seavus education center are organizing the first conference for new wireless technologies „Next generation wireless" which will take place on 5ht December 2015 from 10:00 am in the Seavus Incubator facilities in Skopje. Subjects from Wi-Fi on 60GHz to ultra fast 5G wil

Guest lecture at MASA

29 Јануари, 2016, 18:10

Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA) in cooperation with the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at the University "Ss.

Green ICT invited lecture

29 Јануари, 2016, 18:09

On Tuesday, 03/11/2015 at the Amphitheater of FSCE, starting at 13:00 an invited lecture on Green ICT will be held by Albert Hankel, Project Manager & Sustainability Ambassador in SURFnet (Netherlands Academic and Research Network).  This open lecture with duration of 1 hour is part of the tw

Lectures by prof. Vasil Grozdanov

29 Јануари, 2016, 18:08

On Friday, 06/11/2015 at 12 pm. in the amphitheater of FSCE an invited lecture on Uniform distribution of sequences will be held by prof.

Workshop-Maxeler DataFlow Computing

29 Јануари, 2016, 18:05

Flow calculation (Dataflow computing) is attracting a lot of attention recently, especially intensified by recent announcements of Google, which alter the current approach to processing large amounts of data from Hadoop MapReduce to Dataflow concepts (

Lecture by Ashant Chalasani

29 Јануари, 2016, 18:03

The lecture will not be held due to inability of the lecturer to attend at the scheduled time.

Nordeus Hackaton 2015

29 Јануари, 2016, 18:00

Nordeus, the company behind the game "Top eleven - Be a football manager", the most popular online sports game in the world, organizes the 5th annual "Nordeus hackathon" contest in quick programming video games, invites all interested teams and individuals to apply for participation.

Student debate at FSCE

29 Јануари, 2016, 12:56

The EU Info Centre in collaboration with FSCE organized a student debate within the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence and invites all interested students to attend.  The event will be held on Monday, December 7, from 12-14 h at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (Amphithe

Студентска дебата на ФИНКИ

20 Јануари, 2016, 16:20

ЕУ инфо центарот во организација со ФИНКИ организира студентска дебата во рамки на 16-дневната кампања против родово-заснованото насилство и ги поканува сите заинтересирни студенти да присуствуваат.

Бесплатна конференција во Seavus

08 December, 2015, 7:07

Сеавус и Сеавус едукативниот и развоен центар ја организираат првата конференција за нови безжични технологии „Next generation wireless" која ќе се одржи на 5 декември 2015 г. од 10:00 часот во просториите на Сеавус Инкубатор во Скопје.