Security, Cryptography and Coding

Security, Cryptography and Coding (1 years)

General information

The title obtained after completion of the study program

Магистер по Безбедност, криптографија и кодирање
Master of Science in Security, Cryptography and Coding

Study program

Semester: 9

Compulsory subjects

Code Subject
DCS-Z-03 Digital trust and identity
DCS-Z-01 Applied cryptography
DCS-I-05 Coding theory and applications
Elective subject from study program студиска програма-з
Elective subject from study program or faculty студиска програма-з факултет-з

Semester: 10

Compulsory subjects

Code Subject
DCS-Z-02 Advanced Information Security
DCS-Z-04 Research project
m23_s_500 Master thesis

Elective subjects from group: студиска програма-з

Code Предмет Suggested semester Dependencies
DCS-I-06 Multimedia and scalable web 9
m23_w_004 Cryptographic Engineering 9
m23_w_018 Applied Information Theory 9
m23_w_019 Mathematical Logic for Computer Science 9
m23_w_020 Cryptanalysis 9
m23_w_021 Practical application of digital forensics 9
m23_w_047 Advanced algebraic structures 9
m23_w_048 Biometric Systems 9
m23_w_052 Application of Machine Learning in Information Security 9
m23_w_053 Mobile and Web Application Security 9

Elective subjects from group: студиска програма-л

Code Предмет Suggested semester Dependencies
m23_s_028 Advanced coding algorithms 10
m23_s_029 Change and risk management 10
m23_s_061 Cryptographic protocols 10
m23_s_238 Random processes 10

Elective subjects from group: факултет-з

Code Предмет Suggested semester Dependencies
BI-I-02 Data processing 9
BI-Z-01 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology 9
BI-Z-02 Fundamentals of Bioinformatics 9
CC-Z-01 Virtualized data centers 9
CC-Z-02 Scalability for SaaS applications 9
CC-Z-03 Security challenges in virtual environments 9
DS001 Introductionary topics for data scienсе 9
DS003 Data Engineering 9
DS004 Data Science 9
EDU-Z-01 Modern teaching methods 9
EDU-Z-02 Advanced ICT in Education 9
EDU-Z-03 Creating digital educational content 9
EI-I-02 Environmental modeling 9
EI-Z-01 Concepts in Eco-informatics 9
EI-Z-03 Implementation of Geographic Information Systems 9
IS-Z-01 Modeling and fusing unstructured data 9
IS-Z-03 Modern intelligent systems 9
IS-Z-04 Advanced machine learning 9
IT-I-03 ICT Management 9
ITMW01 Advanced software project management 9
ITMW02 Advanced ICT Innovation and Entrepreneurship 9
IT-Z-01 Cyber threats analysis 9
IT-Z-02 Advanced mobile and web applications 9
IT-Z-03 Network science 9
KN-Z-01 Advanced algorithms 9
KN-Z-02 Optimization methods 9
KN-Z-03 Formal methods 9
m23_s_157 Client server paradigms 9
m23_s_202 Monitoring and data processing in environmental engineering 9
m23_s_235 Medical informatics 9
m23_s_237 Internet of Things for eco-systems 9
m23_s_241 Performance, reliability and security of databases 9
m23_s_256 Advanced topics in computer architecture 9
m23_s_261 Managing the software testing process 9 нема
m23_w_001 Ecosystem Informatics Needs Analysis 9
m23_w_003 Model-based software engineering 9
m23_w_005 Advanced Computer Graphics 9
m23_w_006 Structural Bioinformatics and Proteomics 9
m23_w_007 Application of wavelets in numerical simulations 9
m23_w_008 Analysis and design of information systems 9
m23_w_009 Bayesian data analysis 9
m23_w_010 Interoperability, portability and federation of scalable web services 9
m23_w_012 Business modeling 9
m23_w_013 Scalable Cloud Development Platforms 9
m23_w_014 High Performance Computing Software Testing 9 Нема
m23_w_015 Ambient intelligence 9
m23_w_016 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting 9
m23_w_017 DevOps software development 9
m23_w_022 Data visualisation 9
m23_w_023 Applied statistical analysis 9
m23_w_024 Web of the future 9
m23_w_025 Introduction to Financial Engineering 9
m23_w_027 Video game design and visual effects 9
m23_w_028 Deep learning for natural language processing 9
m23_w_029 Human resource Management 9
m23_w_030 Mobile web services 9
m23_w_031 Multimedia projects in teaching 9
m23_w_032 Working with gifted students 9
m23_w_033 Systems for data-based business decision-making 9
m23_w_034 Technologically supported learning 9
m23_w_036 Network algorithms and optimisation 9
m23_w_039 Concepts and applications of big data 9
m23_w_040 Advanced database concepts 9
m23_w_042 Discovery of knowledge about business processes 9
m23_w_044 Modern simulations and modeling 9
m23_w_045 Processing of textual data 9
m23_w_050 Smart City 9
m23_w_051 Machine learning in smart grids 9
m23_w_054 e-Business 9
m23_w_055 Privacy, Security and Trust in Machine Learning Systems 9
m23_w_058 Cyber security incidents and forensics 9
m23_w_059 Internet infrastructure management 9
m23_w_060 Business design 9
m23_w_062 Advanced topics from E-Government 9
m23_w_063 Database management 9
m23_w_065 Parallel processing 9
m23_w_066 Smart financial systems and the stock market 9
m23_w_067 Smart Contracts in IoT (Blockchain Smart Contracts for IoT) 9
m23_w_068 Speech technologies 9
SDP-I-13 Topological Data Analysis 9
SDP-Z-4 Exploratory predictive analytics 9
SI-Z-01 Software Lifecycle Management 9
SI-Z-03 Software Design Patterns 9
SNP-Z-2 Regression Models 9
SVSS001 Building IoT and IoT Security 9
SVSS002 Algorithms and Programming in Robotics 9
SVSS003 Embedded systems 9

Elective subjects from group: факултет-л

Code Предмет Suggested semester Dependencies
BI-Z-03 Advanced mathematical and statistical techniques 10
CC-Z-04 Advanced cloud computing topics 10
DS005 Applied Machine Learning 10
EDU-Z-04 Learning through play 10
EI-Z-04 Discovering knowledge from environmental data 10
IS-Z-02 Advanced topics in artificial intelligence 10
ITMS01 Advanced Software Requirements Engineering 10
IT-Z-04 Cyber security and privacy 10
KN-Z-04 Research methods and writing techniques 10
m23_s_001 Numerical Methods for Data Sciences 10
m23_s_002 Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering 10
m23_s_004 Information processing in biological systems 10
m23_s_005 Processing of biological sequences 10
m23_s_006 Mathematical Methods in Robotics 10
m23_s_007 Knowledge-based information systems 10
m23_s_008 Statistical learning 10
m23_s_009 Performance Engineering of Scalable Web Services 10
m23_s_010 Energy efficiency in virtual environments 10
m23_s_011 Business models for cloud computing 10
m23_s_012 Small business management 10
m23_s_013 Cloud services for mobile systems 10
m23_s_014 Analysis of data from mobile sensors/sources (Mobile crowdsensing/Participatory sensing/Urban sensing) 10
m23_s_015 Applying data science for Earth observation data 10
m23_s_016 Intelligent interactive systems 10
m23_s_017 Assistive technologies 10
m23_s_018 Education with hardware 10
m23_s_019 Human-Robot Interaction 10
m23_s_020 Software Engineering for Critical Systems 10
m23_s_021 Computational epidemiology 10
m23_s_022 NetDevOps 10
m23_s_023 Multimodal interaction 10
m23_s_025 Knowledge discovery in big graph data 10
m23_s_026 Software architectures 10
m23_s_027 Shape recognition 10
m23_s_030 Software quality management 10
m23_s_031 Educational data analytics 10
m23_s_032 Evolutionary computation 10
m23_s_033 E-learning 2.0 10
m23_s_034 Knowledge Graphs 10
m23_s_035 Smart mobile applications 10
m23_s_036 Advanced Data Science 10
m23_s_037 Open educational resources and virtual labs 10
m23_s_038 Computational game theory 10
m23_s_039 Representation and discovery of knowledge with approximate computation 10
m23_s_040 Sensor-Robot Systems 10
m23_s_041 Recommender systems, virtual guidance and virtual self-help in mastering knowledge 10
m23_s_042 Collaborative computing systems 10
m23_s_043 Computing Paradigms in the Internet of Things 10
m23_s_045 Student involvement in humanitarian, free and open source software development 10
m23_s_046 Strategic management in IT 10
m23_s_047 Intelligent sensor networks 10
m23_s_048 Methods of statistical inference 10
m23_s_049 Data science in Internet of things 10
m23_s_050 Software reliability 10
m23_s_051 ERP Business Systems Engineering 10
m23_s_052 Business analytics 10
m23_s_053 Multivariate statistical analysis 10
m23_s_054 Statistical programming 10
m23_s_055 Big data modeling and management 10
m23_s_056 Machine Learning Operations and Prescriptive Analytics 10
m23_s_057 Contemporary trends in parallel processing 10
m23_s_058 Knowledge discovery, prediction and prognosis using biomedical data 10
m23_s_059 Digital marketing 10
m23_s_060 Linear Programming 10
m23_s_062 Network security analysis 10
m23_s_063 Next generation wireless mobile systems 10
m23_s_064 Network virtualisation and Cloud Computing 10
m23_s_065 Cyber security for parallel and distributed systems 10
m23_s_066 Management of electronic educational systems 10
m23_s_067 Strategic management in IT 10
m23_s_068 Project optimization and operational research 10
m23_s_069 Management of IT services 10
m23_s_070 Smart and Connected Health 10
m23_s_072 Content-based indexing and searching 10
m23_s_073 Smart production and monitoring systems 10
m23_s_074 Remote sensing 10
m23_s_075 Machine Learning Forensics 10
m23_s_076 Engineering ethics 10
m23_s_077 Smart mobility 10
m23_s_211 Big Data and Distributed Data Analytics 10
m23_s_226 Digital transformation 10
m23_w_043 Scientific programming and numeric simulations 10
m23_w_049 AutoML 10
m23_w_124 Reinforcement Learning 10
m23_w_203 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience 10
m23_w_244 Statistical research skills: editing, reporting and visualizing data 10
SVSS004 Embedded software for critical real-time applications 10